Full details on Academic Consideration are outlined in the Academic Calendar [1]. Below provides a brief overview of the process.
What is a Request for Academic Consideration (RAC) ?
Bachelor of Science students who require consideration for course work beyond the final day of class may submit a Request for Academic Consideration (RAC). Academic Consideration Requests are not granted lightly and must be based on documented medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances. These requests are then reviewed by the Academic Review Committee who meet approximately three times per semester. For additional information on submission deadlines please email your program counsellor or the B.Sc. Academic Advising office at bscweb@uoguelph.ca [2].
What are some forms of Academic Consideration?
Late Drop – If a student wants to drop a course from a previous semester (and after the last class day of that semester), they may request a late drop if they have valid grounds. If a Late Drop is granted by the committee, the course(s) would be permanently removed from their transcript.
Semester Withdrawal - This type of request is like a Late Drop; however, it includes removal of all courses in a given semester.
Withdrawal from Courses with Failure - Withdrawal with Failure (WF) requests do not remove courses from the transcript; however, the mark is replaced with WF. There is no numeric grade associated with a WF; therefore, the course will not impact a student’s semester or cumulative GPA.
Credit Standing - A student awarded “credit standing” will receive credit (CRD) for the course(s) in place of a numerical grade. The grounds to consider such requests must be extreme in nature. There are very specific criteria under which credit standing requests are considered which are clearly defined within the Credit Standing policy [3].
Deferred Assessment Requests and Extensions - Deferred assessments are typically to be completed within the semester immediately following the semester in which the exam/course work was originally missed. If a student is unable to complete a deferred assessment within this timeline, they can submit a Request for Academic Consideration for Deferred Assessments.
Appealing Required to Withdraw Status – Students can submit a Request for Academic Consideration to appeal their Required to Withdraw standing and to request to continue on Academic Probation [4].
Additional information regarding forms of Academic Consideration can be found on the Requests for Academic Consideration Information sheet [5].
If you are unsure about the type of requests that are best suited for your situation or circumstance, please email the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre at bscweb@uoguelph.ca [2]. If you are a B.MATH student, please email questions or submissions to Bonnie Lasby (blasby@uoguelph.ca [6]). B.O.H students can send questions or submissions to boh@uoguelph.ca [7].
How do I submit a Request for Academic Consideration (RAC)?
A Request for Academic Consideration is composed of the following three parts:
1. Request for Academic Consideration form [8] (filled out with courses you would like considered)
2. Personal Letter outlining how the extenuating circumstance of your situation impacted your studies and these courses.
3. Documentation.
The completed request may be emailed to bscweb@uoguelph.ca [9] or directly to your Program Counsellor [10].
Once your request has been submitted it will be reviewed by the Academic Review Committee during their next meeting. Submission of supporting documentation with a request does not guarantee that the request will be approved. You will receive a notification regarding the outcome of your request to your university email account.