Student Planning for B.Sc. Students

(posted June 28, 2021 - updated September 28, 2021 and November 15, 2022)

Student Planning is the new resource available in WebAdvisor to assist students in planning and registering for courses. B.Sc. students may find the following information to be helpful.

Final Exam Schedule

Please be sure to view the schedule in print mode, by clicking on the “Print” button above the timetable (otherwise the schedule may show as being compressed into a single week).

Section A - 1000 level limit

A reminder that a maximum of 7.0 credits at the first year (1000) level may be applied towards your B.Sc. degree. Currently, a tally of the total first year credits is not provided, just a list of the courses taken. Please remember to count the credits to ensure you do not exceed 7.0 credits. All first year courses will be listed as extra, as there is technnically no minimum number of first year credits required.

Science Distribution -  4U/GR12 Make Up Crs.

Since B.Sc. students without Grade 12 Physics now take PHYS 1300, the older PHYS 1020 course normally no longer applies. Students who were admitted lacking Grade 12 High School physics, would follow the Revised Schedule of Studies and take PHYS 1300. In most cases, B.Sc. students that were admitted with both Grade 12 Biology and Grade 12 Chemistry can safely ignore this section.

Required Courses

Students who have taken PHYS 1300 do not need to take PHYS 1070. Unfortunately, the system has never been able to automatically handle this substitution (even in the past), but it is now more obvious to students in Student Planning. Do not worry. This substitution will be handled manually when it comes time to approve B.Sc. students to graduate. Students who have successfully completed PHYS 1300 could not take PHYS 1070 even if they wanted to, since the courses restrict each other.

Failed courses

If a core course has been unsuccessful, Student Planning will indicate "Credit Not Earned" in red. Please note that this refers to that particular credit attempt only. If the course has subsequently been retaken and successfully completed, the passed attempt will also appear in the appropriate section.


Student Planning does a poor job of handling many major/minor combinations, as it is unable to properly allocate courses that 'double count' between the major and the minor. However, your B.Sc. Program Counsellors are smarter than the system, and are happy to explain how your major and minor will 'fit' together. Please book an appointment to discuss.

Progress Bar

For a variety of reasons, the "Progress" bar may not accurately illustrate your actual progress. Please ignore this bar. The "Total Credits" bar will be accurate.

Other points - FYI

Occasionally you may see the term 300 or 400 level instead of the usual 3000 or 4000 level.