Academic Standing
For complete information on academic standing - what Academic Probation means, or what happens when a student is Required to Withdraw - this page has it all. It includes instructions on how to appeal Required to Withdraw standing.
Students will also find information on how to apply for re-admission to the University of Guelph and suggestions about what students should do during their two semester rustication period.
Please go to the Academic Standing page [1].
Approved Electives
Wondering which courses are acceptable for B.Sc. students? A complete listing of Science Electives and Arts or Social Science electives are available.
Please go to the Approved Electives page [2].
Academic Consideration
Information regarding how to submit a Request for Academic Consideration.
Please go to the Academic Consideration page [3].
Biological Science Major - Course Planning Support
The Biological Science (BIOS) major is one of the most flexible majors with the Bachelor of Science program. See the link below to see how you can create a personalized educational experience.
Please go to the Biological Science Major - Course Planning Support Page [4]
Course Selection Information
This page has updates regarding course offerings (new or cancelled courses), restrictions, and special registrations instructions. A vital resource during Course Selection and Add periods.
Please go to the Course Selection Information page [5].
Deferred Final Exams
Complete instructions on how to apply for Deferred Final Exams or Deferred Conditions for B.Sc. students.
Please go to the Deferred Assessment page [6].
Find out how to apply for graduation and deadlines to apply for graduation as well as instructions on reading your academic evaluation to see if you qualify for graduation.
Please go to the Graduation page [7].
Majors and Minors
With so many majors and minors to choose from the following page was created to allow students to see the various major and minors available to them. Each major is linked to the schedule of studies so students can view what type of courses they are required to take in the major or minor.
Valuable information about how to switch majors or add a minor is also available on this page, as well information about transferring degree programs.
Please go to the Majors and Minors page [8].
Preparing for an Appointment
Wondering what you should do to prepare for your appointment with a Program Counsellor?
Please go to the Preparing for an Appointment page [9].
Dates to register for courses, as well as add/drop dates and the last day to drop courses during the semester.
Please go to the Registration page [10].
Helpful links and information regarding campus and career resources.
Please go to the Resources page [11].
Revised Schedule of Studies
For students who were admitted to U of G without one of Grade 12 Physics, Biology or Chemistry, please go to the Revised Schedule of Studies page [12].
Find a list of scholarships for B.Sc. students and in particular scholarships for biological science majors.
Please go to the Scholarships page [13].
Tutoring At Guelph (TAG)
TAG [14] is an online bulletin board created to help connect University of Guelph students seeking academic assistance in specific subject areas with University of Guelph students who wish to tutor.