Science In(Sight)

Science In(Sight) is a student support strategy sponsored by the Bachelor of Science Associate Deans’ office. The aim is to foster academic success and satisfaction within the students’ educational experience.

Science In(Sight) includes a multi-pronged approach:

  1. Prevention program that connects students to resources at relevant times in the semester
  2. Intervention program that includes a proactive strategy for intervening and advising students in first-year who may be having academic difficult

The prevention aspect of Science In(Sight) brings together resources offered at the University of Guelph, including academic, administrative, and mental and physical health supports, into one spot. Science In(Sight) will be listed as a ‘course’ on all B.Sc. students’ CourseLink page. The course has no grades and no homework. The ‘course’ will be maintained by the CBS ADA’s office, which includes the academic advising office.

A brief video about Science In(Sight) can be found at:

How does it work?

Students will receive notifications and announcements on CourseLink, as well as to their U of G e-mail account, approximately once a week. Within each announcement there will be Administrative, Academic or Wellness information posted. Students can have a look at the message and decide whether it’s something that they want to explore, act on, or simply disregard. The messages will be sent at relevant times during the semester.

There is also a resource section in the course that contains information permanently available for students to access. The resource section is likewise divided up into Administrative, Academic and Wellness.

The intervention program includes a proactive strategy for intervening and advising students in first-year who may be experiencing academic or personal difficulty. If we notice that a student is struggling in multiple courses they will receive an e-mail from Science In(Sight) inviting them to come in and speak with a Program Counsellor. The Program Counsellor will then have a discussion with the student about their academic options and explore what specific resources would be the best fit for their situation. The student can look to pursue these supports if they wish, but they are not required to do so.

All information about the student will be kept confidential. No instructors or other individuals associated with the course will be notified when a student has received an email. All information gathered will be protected.

If any student is having any academic difficultly and needs to reach out please contact the B.Sc. Academic Counselling Centre at 519 824 4120 ext. 53788.

If the concerns are more serious please call campus police at ext. 52000.

If you have questions about the program please feel free to contact the ADA’s office at